Colonic Day!
12:41 Posted In brother , colon , colonic , poo , raw almond butter , sharron fruit Edit This 0 Comments » Oh my, I went for my first colonic today! My mum did one too!
I'll save you guys the grew some details, but it really does make you think about what you eat!
The colonist said that she thought my colon was very healthy, although I did have alot of old waste that came up, making me feel 5 pounds lighter!
Plus, my mum lost two pounds today! Lol!
She really felt the difference, and said she will never look at food in the same way again.
Other news... ;)
My brother is here! Yay!
Im making him Green Smoothies every day for breakfast - he loves them!
My Brother's Breakfast: Banana/spinach Green Smoothie w/ fresh Bee Pollen sprinkled on top. Served with a prickly pear and a passion fruit (:
Plus, I've been reading to him from some of my Raw Books!
He's really so supportive, and also genuinely interested, which is cool, of course!
Ohhh, andd the health store is selling organic Sharron fruit now!!!
I was disappointed with the first few though, as they were seedless.
But then I came across a few with seeds! (:
I found out they had Raw Almond butter, too.
I'm eating too much of it now! Ekkkkk!! (;
Oh no, now I'm craving it again!
Hmm, Halloween today, except we are celebrating it tomorrow, as we kind of forgot!
I can't wait to make some scary raw treats!
That's it for now!
Happy Halloween!
Have an awesome day!
Me and my Bro (:
I'll save you guys the grew some details, but it really does make you think about what you eat!
The colonist said that she thought my colon was very healthy, although I did have alot of old waste that came up, making me feel 5 pounds lighter!
Plus, my mum lost two pounds today! Lol!
She really felt the difference, and said she will never look at food in the same way again.
Other news... ;)
My brother is here! Yay!
Im making him Green Smoothies every day for breakfast - he loves them!
Plus, I've been reading to him from some of my Raw Books!
He's really so supportive, and also genuinely interested, which is cool, of course!
Ohhh, andd the health store is selling organic Sharron fruit now!!!
I was disappointed with the first few though, as they were seedless.
But then I came across a few with seeds! (:
I'm eating too much of it now! Ekkkkk!! (;
Oh no, now I'm craving it again!
Hmm, Halloween today, except we are celebrating it tomorrow, as we kind of forgot!
I can't wait to make some scary raw treats!
That's it for now!
Happy Halloween!
Have an awesome day!
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