Picture Post Update!! :)
04:21 Posted In abricots , animal rescue zoo , be happy , cantaloupe , inedible figs , lots of them , nearly finished school , pics , walks , watermelon , yay yay yay Edit This 3 Comments » Ahh, sorry.. I thought I posted this yesterday!!!
Okay.. So, I've got quite alot of pics to share!!! :)
These first ones are of a animal RESCUE zoo we visited nearby, where they 'rescue' animals that 'real' zoos don't want any more, and they even rescue animals that have been part of scientific experiments! ...
Okay.. So, I've got quite alot of pics to share!!! :)
These first ones are of a animal RESCUE zoo we visited nearby, where they 'rescue' animals that 'real' zoos don't want any more, and they even rescue animals that have been part of scientific experiments! ...
They had a few fig trees, too!! All had figs on them, but not the edible kind apparently...
Although they looked ripe, they were all dry inside :( What a shame!!!
Note alllllllll of the cherries were ripe, but some were!
I was SOOO excited :DDD -- It was my first time in AGES picking fruit off the tree!!
ANd absolutely GORGEOUS 'wild' cats... I did feel a bit sad that they were in small enclosures though :( ... but they are much better
This watermelon was absolutely GORGEOUS!
Just look at the patterns and swirls!!!
Just look at the patterns and swirls!!!
Pics of walks :)
I built my own shelves from all of these date boxes I had!!!! haha!!
Recycling and reusing is the way to go!!
ALL I used is the boxes and toothpicks!!!
No glue, no complicated things, just made 'em with things (2!) I had around the flat!
I love these pics from a recent late walk...
The dark deep blue clear sky was just magical..
The pics don't quite capture it, I could have just stared at that sky all night!!
Glad to be back :)
i love your blog, please keep it updated! love the pics!!!!!!!!!
wow an albino peacock and what a watermelon!
Thank you so much for the lovely comments! :D
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